Monday, 2 February 2015

Evaluation Answer Four Part Two

What would the audience be for your media product?

In order to complete my evaluation answer to question four, I have produced questions to ask those who would be part of my target audience in order to find out if the product fits the audience.
1. Age ___
2. Would the cover of this magazine attract you and make you want to purchase it?
3. Why?
4. Do you like the name of the magazine and the font of the name on the cover?
5. Do you think the artist of the front cover relates to the target audience/you?

6. Do the bands/Storylines appeal to you?

7. Does the contents page make the magazine easy to navigate?

8. Is the contents page detailed enough?

9. Do you think the front cover, contents page and double page spread follow a running house style/theme?

10. Are the photos throughout the magazine appropriate to the style/genre/stories?

11. Which page of the magazine is your favourite?

12. Why?

13. Which page of the magazine is your least favourite?

14. Why?

15. Can you suggest any improvements that could be made?

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